Help/Advice adjusting to 'normality' after Fusion

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Help/Advice adjusting to 'normality' after Fusion

Beitrag von Amlosgfa64 »

Hello everyone!

I have had the great pleasure of attending my second fusion this year. It was a long awaited visit, as my last fusion was around 5 years ago. Since then many things in my life have changed - some for better, some for worse. This year fusion was everything I was hoping for. It is a window into a culture/society that is so beautiful, free and unchallanged but also determined with shared values and principles which the 'real world' seems to be oblivious too/wants to ignore. I have always known it would be hard adjusting back to 'normality' post fusion (whatever 'normality' is) but I am finding it especially difficult this time. Fusion this year has taught me that I am not where I really need to be and I am not fully using my potential. I am also feeling very depressed from the seperation of being a part of a beautiful place with beautiful people where I feel like that is the case.
I am trying to keep to wholesome activities and remain 'unplugged' from the world but it seems not to be enough and my spirit feels like it is slowly being smushed once again under the great weight of our opressive society back in 'reality'.

Does anyone have any advice they could share, any methods of preserving my spirit and remaining connected with the people/ideologies within fusion? Anything that I can be a part of that I could potentially make a difference? I want to remain as close to this peace and passion as I can. I would love to remain close with any fusionists who would like to become friends also.
I have a fairly good understanding of German but unfortunately I am not entirely fluent. Any insight into how anyone else deals with this issue would be so appreciated. Much love to you all out there.

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Registriert: Di 5. Jul 2022, 09:45

Re: Help/Advice adjusting to 'normality' after Fusion

Beitrag von charno »

Hi Thomas,

Where are you from? In most bigger cities there are some sort of cultural centers / squats etc. which try to live collectively somewhat outside of normal cultural norms. This "outside" can take many forms, and of course it's also not safe from normal day-to-day life, and it's vastly different from 5 days on a festival. While at the festival we pay other people to do work (food, cleanup etc.) and most of us take the role of consumers, in day-to-day life this is of course not possible, and economic realities are sometimes harsh. Also, if drugs were involved, i'd recommend being careful of including drug use in a daily routine.

Fusion is holidays for most people, and probably hard work for others to provide this holiday. But I think there are good opportunities to take a part of the Fusion spirit with you. Search for the right people, organize your life together (be it in a squat or shared flat, in a trailerpark or somewhere in the woods), but also be prepared that collective living is hard work and leads to lots of discussions. Check if political activism is something for you (fighting against the oppression is also hard work, but sometimes this confrontation also helps feeling less at the mercy of society)
Mr. Oiseau
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Registriert: Mi 6. Jul 2022, 16:54

Re: Help/Advice adjusting to 'normality' after Fusion

Beitrag von Mr. Oiseau »

I feel you.

Help? Get organized. Digital separation is the enemy. \offline :idea:
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Registriert: Di 5. Jul 2011, 22:10

Re: Help/Advice adjusting to 'normality' after Fusion

Beitrag von awe »

Hi Thomas,

I feel exactly the same! In ten years fusion, I never had a landing as rough as this time, and it is mainly due to the fact that I am at a point in my life where I don't want to be.

Where do you live? If you live in Berlin by any chance, maybe we could meet up and talk about our troubles...
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Registriert: Mi 6. Jul 2011, 22:36

Re: Help/Advice adjusting to 'normality' after Fusion

Beitrag von MindlessGenius »

Hi Thomas,
what I liked most in your original post is the contradiction to feel the pressure to adapt to normality while feeling the desire to preserve your spirit. Behind the Festival there's a ton of work to break this gap into a reality which would not normally allow it. I think it helps a lot to remember the courage of the people who make it possible - and be courageous yourself. I'm always surprised how often people share the thought that the world needs to be better when you talk to them, while at the same time they do not attempt to make a change because they don't believe it is possible. You've gotten a glimpse of the fact that it can be possible. So I think the best way to keep your spirits is to spread them. Much like freedom, they can only grow by sharing and will wear off faster by keeping them for yourself. Be open about your dreams - you're not alone.
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Registriert: Sa 2. Jul 2016, 11:52

Re: Help/Advice adjusting to 'normality' after Fusion

Beitrag von ilitsch »

I go with mindlessgenius, tx for the nice words, and accept that the world we live in is not what we experienced at the fusion, the Kater or little depression is simply the indicator of that difference. So I try to accept it - to let it even feel good -, and than carry or prolong the experience through different relationships here and now. this is the second phase. The first phase is relaxing and taking care of my body - eating, sleeping, watching some videos, play some videogames. all the best of the world by the way to all the people that made the fusion possible again, and again and again....All the people thank you so much :)
Beiträge: 29
Registriert: Mo 6. Mai 2019, 07:47

Re: Help/Advice adjusting to 'normality' after Fusion

Beitrag von elllo »

After Fusion is before next Fusion. :)

Fusion is not only 5 days out of 365. Fusion is what you make of it.

The change you wish to see in the world starts within you.

I know how you feel from own experiences. This year it was different for me. I came back invigorated and with so many inspirations. Fusion has given me so much over the years. Now I want to give back.

I am planning a little cacao ceremony with meditative dance in 1-2 months for a small group of people. Maybe this can help you the keep in touch and fuse with the festival’s spirit. Hit me up if you are interested.

Also stay mindfully aware of the after effects of some substances.
Beiträge: 19
Registriert: Mi 3. Jul 2019, 15:24

Re: Help/Advice adjusting to 'normality' after Fusion

Beitrag von lcs264 »

MindlessGenius hat geschrieben: Do 7. Jul 2022, 20:03 I think it helps a lot to remember the courage of the people who make it possible - and be courageous yourself. I'm always surprised how often people share the thought that the world needs to be better when you talk to them, while at the same time they do not attempt to make a change because they don't believe it is possible. You've gotten a glimpse of the fact that it can be possible. So I think the best way to keep your spirits is to spread them. Much like freedom, they can only grow by sharing and will wear off faster by keeping them for yourself. Be open about your dreams - you're not alone.
This is beautiful, thank you so much for this insight. It really helps with my Lärz-Schmerz
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Registriert: Do 7. Jul 2022, 12:34

Re: Help/Advice adjusting to 'normality' after Fusion

Beitrag von Amlosgfa64 »

Hello All,

Thank you very much for your words of insight, very helpful to me indeed. Your thoughts on it all is something I can definitely agree with - The change does start with me, and my world does become a little more colorful by implamenting subtle changes for myself and the places around me and keeping the spirit of fusion with me too. I have also done well to be aware of the high of fusion and the body/mind debt that I have from drinking/partying for the 5 days. Fusion is a harsh but much needed lesson, an insight and a push for you to be what you need to be, it is a form of good pain. Thank you all again very much for your advice. I am from and living in Wales alone at the moment, however I have been part of a WG/house share community in Frankfurt which was a really great stepping point in my life. For now I need to be the change for myself first and strengthen my independance but I also know I can be part of something bigger whenever I choose. :D It is a powerful and scary thing to believe in yourself in the face of such adversity but what could be more true? The amount of effort and work that goes into fusion is incredible and I am forever indebted to brave and wonderful people behind making the festival a reality. I will become one of those people now and carry fusion with me everywhere until the next fusion and then after that too! I am already walking around as if I was still there in that mindset and its so enriching to know I'm not alone in these feelings.
Thank you all so much, feel free to share any more insights or progresses of your own on here - I would love to hear them :)

Take care,
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Mo 4. Jul 2022, 22:48

Re: Help/Advice adjusting to 'normality' after Fusion

Beitrag von Solidariteit2017 »

elllo hat geschrieben: Do 7. Jul 2022, 20:35 After Fusion is before next Fusion. :)

Fusion is not only 5 days out of 365. Fusion is what you make of it.

The change you wish to see in the world starts within you.

I know how you feel from own experiences. This year it was different for me. I came back invigorated and with so many inspirations. Fusion has given me so much over the years. Now I want to give back.

I am planning a little cacao ceremony with meditative dance in 1-2 months for a small group of people. Maybe this can help you the keep in touch and fuse with the festival’s spirit. Hit me up if you are interested.

Also stay mindfully aware of the after effects of some substances.
I feel you, after 4 years and getting older, this fusion had a very different impact on me then the other two. I feel very much inspired and do feel like this festivals matured me in ways I could not have imagined. I became a more kind and open person because of fusion and tend to keep this spirit the rest of the year, until next fusion :)
