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"Your Ego is not your Amigo!" introduction statement

Verfasst: Mo 27. Nov 2017, 15:19
von meatforthedogs
Good Times, Great Oldies!

My name is Morgan (Hasenfuss, Chalk-Levy Israel), and I just wanted to say a little bitty hello hello to everyone in this forum, as per the custom.

My fusion experience:

2005: So freshly arrived in Berlin, this was my introduction to everything. New to the music, New to the scene, and New to Berlin.

Summer 2006, 2007: Setting Up the Bachstelzen at Karl Kutter (dug the big hole for grey water, made some signs), Perpetual Cup Washer, and one shift at Arbeitsamt making "Propaganda".

2008: Travelling

Summer 2009: My new bride and I, Fresh off of an epic hitch hike from Peru to Texas, Bangkok to Kathmandu to Varanasi - gathered our posse: "Kippen Flow" skate crew, and hit the fusion hard! Again, I assumed the role of perpetual glass/cup washing.


2016: Back, Jack, Do-It Again! Serendipitously psychically drifted into the Capablanca Crew from Switzerland -at the very last minute- they providing me with the chance to buy a normal ticket(wristband), and me providing my Tarot Card Reading services as "Truth And/Or Consequences".

What exactly am I taking about???

"Truth And/Or Consequences" Tarot Card Readings....
78 Cards, 6 Perspectives, 2 Methods, 1 Choice:
General Reading or Focus Reading?
Past Present Future
Symbols of your Now.
Perspectives of What was, What could have been, and What might be…
Catalyze your Concerns by Focusing while I shuffle…
Begin the reading with the energy of your Concerns.
Heroes and Heroines revealed.
Enemies and Problems exposed.
Partake in this tool for thinking. Dance with me in the ballroom of Projections.


And so it is, and will it ever be: my introduction to you all at the Fusion Festival Forum!
I am hoping to set up my "Truth And/Or Consequences" Tarot Card Readings this year. It remains to be decided with whome exactly I shall hitch my wagons.
for some information about me, what i do, etc:


Thank y'all so much for your very valuable time and attention,
In good faith,

Morgan Chalk-Levy ("Truth And/Or Consequences")

P.S. And remember folks: "Your Ego is not your Amigo!"