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Re: Fusion Neuling hat fragen

Verfasst: Mo 25. Mär 2024, 19:08
von 33602
schön geschrieben!
Rephlax hat geschrieben: Mo 25. Mär 2024, 17:47 Turmbühnenopening nicht unüberlegt mitlaufen!
seitdem die Tribünen da sind und das so ein Kessel geworden ist, frage ich mich wieviele Menschen das wohl sind, wenn es randvoll ist. Die Schätzungen und Hörensagen fielen recht unterschiedlich aus.

Bei den großen Konzerten auf Palapa ist kurz vorher auch noch Luft und dann steht man paar Minuten später unterm Dach mittendrin und hätte ein ganzes Stück zu machen bis man raus ist. Was bei Danger Dan noch ganz entspannt war kann bei KIZ schon mal ne kleine Grenzerfahrung werden ;) :shock:

Re: Fusion Neuling hat fragen

Verfasst: Mo 20. Mai 2024, 21:24
von irrelevant
Even if some already has been answered:

1) Not mandatory. I bring my essentials from home, along with a camping stove (no grills are allowed). Basically so I can make tea, cook rice (usually with pesto and seeds), some dried apricots for the stomach ... you catch the drift.

2) You are given one on entry.

3) Be inventive. It's very possible, regardless of how you travel. But also take heed and listen to what everyone else has written. I don't know how experienced you are in this department, so depending on that make your own decisions. Follow your gut. Any fear, don't risk it.

4) I think you just pick a free spot, unless you have a vehicle larger than 6.5 m now (from --24). Those are in "exile" in section F.

5) Personally, I don't drink alcohol (almost never otherwise either). I eat light and fresh food (which is relatively easy to find), meaning f ex no white bread and heavily spiced meals. In regard to other "fuels", stay away from CNS stimulants and X. Party smart, so to speak. And with moderation -- you're suppose to last for 5 days, and still feel good and be able to take your ass back home in one piece.;)

6) Go to Konsum directly after pitching your camp. You'll thank yourself further into the festival. Bring clothes that you can wear layer on layer (it can get really hot during the day, an very cold in the night). Protect your head against the sun. Use a tarp sheltering your tent. Bring aloe vera gel if you get sunburned, as well as cooling gel for your feet (or peppermint essential oil) and band-aids. Keep your tent neat, tidy and organized. It's your safe space. Bring ear plugs an nasal spray; there's a lot of dust flying around from the dance floors. That's the basics, I'd say?

7) BONUS: Please respect KuKo's wishes and everyone's privacy in taking pics/filming. Do it where it doesn't bother anyone, where people can't be ID'd, at night or in backlight. And don't share openly on social media.

8) BONUS 2: Stay a day extra (camping closes on Wed noon) to unwind and digest the festival. It's a beautiful downtime that so many miss. I always stay the full week.

With that said: Stay safe, have the time of your lives, and congrats on your tickets!