Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer

von maritadevries
Mi 13. Jun 2018, 09:58
Forum: Fusion Festival 2018
Antworten: 16
Zugriffe: 19265


Waaa so nice! I also want to cycle on wednesday morning from Berlin so it would be a pleasure to bike with a group of nice pleepz :D Claire, I sent you an email so I hope I could join the group! Otherwise my email is: maritadevries 'at' gmail 'dot' com if someone could let me know where and when exa...
von maritadevries
Mi 13. Jun 2018, 09:45
Forum: Mitfahrgelegenheiten Fusion 2018
Thema: Berlin-Lärz mit Fahrrad!
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 4469

Re: Berlin-Lärz mit Fahrrad!

Hola bikers, (My German is not so good, so English will make you more happy.) I will cycle to Fusion from Berlin on wednesday morning and would love to cycle together with a group!! Let's get in touch! How would be the best way? My name on facebook is "Marita de Vries" that works way bette...